Burning forests as ‘renewable energy’ is madness. Please help! Email not displaying correctly?
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This is "ecologically sustainable forest management"?
Thanks to those who helped put pressure on the independents and federal Labor last week. They are hearing us! But our forests' future is still very much in the balance.

This is the latest:

The logging industry lobbyists have been telling everyone including politicians (they can be so naïve!) that tossing native forests into electricity furnaces is really ‘renewable energy’ because it would only be using the ‘waste’ – y’know – branches, leaves and those messy leftovers.

These claims were made 40 years ago to justify massive woodchipping of about 6 million tonnes a year, for decades. Untold deaths and horrific injuries of wildlife all being part of this.

Labor leader Bill Shorten will not be drawn on whether he will or won’t agree to this. Logging lobby group AFPA congratulated him.  His environment minister, Mark Butler is saying ‘no way José. Is this playing good-cop bad-cop? 

Join us to kill off this insane idea

What is needed is for Labor and the Independents to propose an amendment that defines ‘waste’, in such a way that it includes plantation and agricultural waste, even building waste, but clearly excludes native forest derived wood.
Unless this definition is unambiguously embedded in the RET legislation, it could raise its ugly head again as a regulation later down the track – and that could be worse.

Please – a couple of minutes of your day could make a lot of difference…

In order of importance, please call on Monday (it's more influential than emailing), the office of these politicians and leave a message for them.
And email or tweet them now…

Bill Shorten  
(02) 6277 4022 or (03) 9326 1300 
Bill.Shorten.MP@aph.gov.au   @billshortenmp

Emphasise the need for an amendment to define 'waste' that excludes native forests from RETs
Mark Butler 
(02) 6277 4089 
Mark.Butler.MP@aph.gov.au   @mark_butler_mp

Emphasise the need for an amendment to define 'waste' that excludes native forests from RETs
Ricky Muir 
(03) 5144 3639   
senator.muir@aph.gov.au   @Ricky_Muir

Emphasise that it won’t be just off-cuts but will be whole logs ! It will also rob limited assistance for genuine renewables like solar.
Zhenya Wang
(02) 6277 3843, 
senator.wang@aph.gov.au   @SenatorZWang

Ask that he supports an amendment to the RET Bill that defines extcludes native forest material from the ‘waste’ category and that there are more jobs in genuine renewables.
Nick Xenophon 
(08) 8232 1144 
senator.xenophon@aph.gov.au   @Nick_Xenophon

Emphasise that including biomass in the RET will rob valuable assistance/credits from the solar industry.
Glenn Lazarus 
(07) 3001 8940 
senator.lazarus@aph.gov.au   @SenatorLazarus

Emphasise that including biomass in the RET will rob valuable assistance/credits from the solar industry.
Clive Palmer 
(07) 547 92800 or (02) 627 74372 
Clive.Palmer.MP@aph.gov.au   @CliveFPalmer

Explain that including biomass in the RET will rob Renewable Energy Credits and assistance/investment in genuine renewable energy like solar.

This wednesday 20th, EEG will be in mediation with both DELWP and VicForests over their obligation to properly protect our threatened owls. We'll keep you posted on that as well.